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Introducing the Great Mentor

Introducing the Great Mentor

Mentors come into our lives to train and guide us. The Oxford dictionary defines a mentor as a trusted adviser.

A mentor assist in building one up and making use of your gift and skills to make a difference. Depending on the stage we are in our lives, we seem to need a different type of mentor at different stages. Mentors are around us consciously or unconsciously daily and impacting positively. It is also important to note that mentor operate at different level and can help determine if we end up as a champion or not.

There is one mentor who operate at the highest level than any other and encompasses all stages of our life. His name is called Jesus Christ.

Ngozi Nwoke in her article helps to introduce why Jesus Christ is the greatest Mentor as below:

He is your creator
Jesus, as your creator, knows the purpose for which you are made and so, is in the best position to mentor you. He knows the potentials you carry and how best to harness them.

He has an awesome record of success as a human being
The Lord came with a purpose, which He pursued and completed successfully, and is now seated at the right hand of the throne of God. He encountered a lot of oppositions but He overcame them all unto victory, and so your ideal model.

He has an unbeatable record of successful mentorship
All His disciples that successfully went through His mentorship manifested the same authority and power. Their exploits could only be traced to their association with Christ. They followed His instructions, and they soared higher than their fellow-men.

He knows your weaknesses
The Lord is the ideal person to mentor you because He had gone through what you are going through and overcame all, and so understands your weaknesses and knows how best to overcome them.

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He is the wisdom of God
Wisdom is the key to great heights in life and Christ, being the wisdom of God, is the wisdom you need to forge into great exploits. Nobody knows anything better than God and Christ is the access to the manifold wisdom of God.

He is your ever-present help
Jesus is ever ready to help you out and He is nearer to you than anybody else. One call in faith is enough to bring Him to your rescue. So, should you need help, advice, direction or guidance at any point in life, just reach out to Him in faith and He will answer you.

To know more about this great mentor, study the four gospels along with Acts of the Apostles. In the four gospels you hear the mentor teach and show you how to walk in all areas of life; you see what He is capable of doing and His mentorship of His disciples. Then, the Acts of the Apostles reveals the results of His mentorship on His disciples, how they went about replicating Him in thoughts, words and deeds. These books of the bible will bring out the greatness in you.
Also, Jesus mentors you through other books of the bible, He being the Word of God. The Word of God is full of wisdom words by which, if you adhere to them, you enjoy great success, honour, fame, total health, prosperity and longevity.
Jesus Christ is the mentor of mentors, as such should be your number one consultant. He will instruct you in the way you should go and guide you with His eyes. His demands are not grievous nor heavy but easy, and He will come to your level to give you wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Consult Him today and you will see great difference in your exploits in life.

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