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Power of Reconciliation

Power of Reconciliation

The power of reconciliation is something we all have but we don’t always use it. To be honest, I fall into that category of people who do not use this often enough.

There is a deep hurt when relationships with family and friends break down. This leads anger and unforgiveness  towards love ones. Holding on to the hurt and unforgiveness doesn’t help our wellbeing, rather it does more damage than good to our health.

“where there is strife, there is pride”

According to Proverbs 13:10, where there is strife, there is pride. The process of reconciliation requires patience and humility; and the journey isn’t an easy one.

Forgiveness is an inward action as we choose to release the right to hold something over another person. Reconciliation, on the other hand, means to settle a quarrel or bring things back into harmony. Forgiveness is an essential element in working toward reconciliation.

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Christ calls us to be peacemakers by saying Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called children of God.  We need to be willing to admit our mistakes with humility. Another important action is the willingness to listen carefully to other party.

Reconciliation is the final step in the forgiveness process which truly brings peace within you. Reconciliation isn’t always easy to achieve but it involves both parties playing their role. In some cases we might not be able to achieve it but it is important to always forgive regardless of the outcome.

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