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An approach to New Beginning
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There is a saying when one door closes another opens, which comes with lot of promise. I believe 2023 brings opportunity that can make one nervous about what is to come. However it is time to take stock on what you are leaving behind and look ahead.

A great thing about a new beginning is the end of a difficult year and for those who had a good year, it opportunity to put those successful practices in greater use and advancing them as well.

The first step towards making 2023 the best year ever and achieving those new year resolution is having God on your side. They say the winning side is God side.

I came across an helpful guide to approach fresh start written by Carol Van  Atta titled “A New Beginning”.  It goes by saying The best way to experience a new beginning is to follow the acronym  Lean On God.


Whether you’re battling a tempting addiction or grieving an untimely loss, a key to embracing any new beginning is to stay grounded in truth — God’s Word. Without a foundation of truth, we are prone to fall prey to lies that increase our pain and keep us from growing and moving forward.


New beginnings are best faced in the safety net of caring and competent Christian friends. God is relational. Jesus was not a lone ranger. He was surrounded by his inner circle of disciples. We too will find support, encouragement, and help from others who have experienced similar circumstances.


We have the amazing opportunity to approach our heavenly Father with boldness and confidence. In the psalms, David gave us the perfect example of how to cry out to God in every conceivable manner, even in our anger, our anguish, and our anxiety. We need not face anything without God’s help. We can go to him boldly, because he tells us we can.


Remember — no matter what our present circumstances may look like, no matter how difficult letting go might be —, with God, we win in the end. It may appear that we are losing, but ultimately, goodness and glory can grow in the midst of a new beginning. We must keep our eyes focused on our Leader, and remember to keep putting one foot in front of the other until we cross the finish line.


When we’re in the midst of letting go, we can find ourselves burdened by a barrage of obstacles — things on our path that can keep us from walking through the door of a better tomorrow. Feelings of grief and heartache can be part of the new beginning process. Lingering negative feelings and thoughts can become obstacles that keep us stuck. With God’s help and the support of others, we can continue forward, getting rid of whatever holds us back.


The Bible is very clear that we, as Christians, have an enemy. This enemy of our souls would like to destroy us and keep us from accepting God’s plan for our lives. We can disarm this devil by utilizing the armour that God so generously provides. Put on the armour daily.

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This is much like “don’t give up.” New beginnings can be scary and we can find ourselves paralyzed, afraid to take another step. We don’t need to continue by our own power. In fact, our limited human power won’t be enough, but with God, all things are possible. Allow him to lead, as you lean on him.


Take a look at the beauty surrounding you on your journey. As you embrace your new beginning, you will discover the wondrous ways God is working in and around you. God is present, even in your darkest hour. If you look, you can see his light.


Praising God in the midst of any situation brings blessings far beyond our greatest expectations. When we experience freedom from a bondage or an addiction, it is only natural to praise our Deliverer. But when a new beginning is the result of loss, worship may seem out of place. Yet consider Paul, praising God from within his prison chamber. Worship touches the very heart of God, and in turn he will touch ours. Worship God and expect the best.

Lean on God and expect one glorious new beginning after another. Each new day we can be filled afresh with the power of the Holy Spirit who will help us in our new beginnings.

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