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Forgiveness is letting go of the hurt caused by someone or a situation. It’s so easy to tell others to forgive until you have to do it yourself.

Speaking from my personal experience, there have been times when people have hurt me, especially when it is someone I looked up to and it is painful. Not forgiving breeds anger and resentment. We walk around carrying these invisible weights on our shoulders and it weighs us down!

Forgiveness is a choice. I am in no way minimising your pain or hurt, however, choose to forgive today, for yourself. It is so liberating.

How can we deal with unforgiveness?

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  1. Pray to God about it. Ask him to help you. His strength is made perfect in our weakness.
  2. consciously remind yourself every time it comes to mind that you choose to forgive this person

Our Lord’s prayer says “forgive us our sins as we have forgiven those who sin against us” [Matthew 6:12]. God expects us to forgive just as He has forgiven us. Forgiveness can feel undeserving but it is an act of love.

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